What is National Income ?
Total value of final goods and services produced in a country is called National Income.
National Income is being used as a measure of development througout the world. But there are various concepts relating to national income.
Concepts of National Income :
Gross Domestic Product : Total value of final goods and services produced within the country during a year is GDP.
GDP = Price of the goods and services X Quantity of goods and services (p*Q)
GDP has four components
GDP= C+I+G + (X-M)
C= consumption
I = Investment
G = Government expenditure
(X-M) = Export minus import
Gross National Product : Total value of final goods and services produced by the residents of a country within in domestic territory as well as abroad is GNP.
NFIA = Net factor income from aboard.
Depriciation : Capital assets wear out in the course of their use year by year, this is called depriciation.
Net Domestic Product : This is deducting depreciation from GDP .
NDP = GDP- Depriciation
Net National Product at Market Prices : It is market value of net output of final goods and services produced by an economy during a year and net factor income from abroad.
NNP = GNP - IT- Depriciation
NNP at M.P = C+ I + G + (X-M) +NFIA - IT - Depreciation
IT= Indirect Taxes, MP = Market Price
National Income at Factor Cost : It NNP + Subsidies - Indirect Taxes . Here National Income at Factor cost is total income earned by resourdes for their contributin of land, capital and organizational ability.
Personal Income : It is the total inocme recieved by individual and households of a country during one year.
Personal Income = National Inocme - Corporate Income Taxes - Undistributed profits - social security contributtion + Transfer Payments( they include scholarships, unemployment, unemployment dole,oldage pensions etc )
Disposable Income : It is the income left with the individuals after the payment of direct taxes from personal income.
Disposable Income = Personal Income - Direct Taxes.
Per Captia Income : It is calculated by dividing national income of the country by the total population of a country.
PCI= Total national Income / Total Population
If you have any doubts , please let me know. Thank you.