There is no precise definition given for Governance.

                According to World Bank Governance is " The manner in which power is excercised in the managment of country's economic and social resources for development".

 What is Good Governance ? 

              United Nations given that tjere are 8 charactristics for Good Governance.

              They are :

  1. Accountability
  2. Transparancy
  3. Responsive
  4. Equitable and  Inclusive
  5. Effective and Efficient
  6. Participatory
  7. Consensus Oriented     
       Former U.N. secretary general Kofi Annan said : "    Good Governance is ensuring respect for human rights and rule of law, strengthing democracy promoting transprancy and capacity in public administraion".
   Good Governance is perhaps single most important factors in eradicating poverty and promoting development.  

Government taken steps in ensuring Good Governance :
  1. Right To Information Act
  2. E- Governance
              schemes like  Pro Active Governance And Timely Implementaion (PRAGATI)
      3)  Legal Reforms
       4) Ease Of Doing Business
      5) Decentralisation

      6) police Reforms

      7) Aspirational District Programmes

      8)  Good Governance Index  : to assess the state of governance and impaxt of various interventions                                                        of state union government.

      Challenges to Good Governance :
  1.  Criminalisation of Politics
  2.   Corruption
  3. Gender Disparity
  4. Delay in Justice
  5. Growing Incidence of Violence
  6. Marginalisation of Socially and Economically Backward people.