Source : slideshare

The American Revolution is also called as U.S. war of Independence. It occurred during the years 1775 - 1783. It happened between the American Colonies and the colonial government, which represented the British Crown. Americans declared Independence in 1776. But it was officially recognized and formally end  in 1783 . 

Background : When coloumbus reached west indies in 1492 ,major european powers like spain , France, Britain wanted to establish their  rule over there. There Britishers established 13 english colonies from 1607 to 1732.

source: Ducksters
Causes of the War
 let us divide causes into political , Economical and Social.

1) Political Causes :   

          The head of the government - governer is directly appointed by the British crown. No role of people in the electing government.
           The laws for the people in the colonies were made by the parliament in london where there is no representaion of colonists. 

2) Socio - Cultural Causes
            The people who settled in the colonies were  religiously persecuted in the european countries. To escape persecution they settled in the colonies.

            Liberal and progressive thinking were adopted , inspired by ideas of enlightment

             Philosphers like Thomas paine, , jhon locke etc.  publicised the idea of nationalism in the minds of colonists.

3) Economic Causes

             The Colonial policies of England in economic matters was the primary cause of resentment in the American Colonies. The English Parliament had forbidden them to use non brish ships in their trade. 

            The colonist were heavily taxed due to debt burden of England. 

7 Years of War  ( 1754 - 1763 ) :

This was happened between Britan and France over the territories in America.
 It was spread to 5 continents

France was defeated and officially ended by signing  Treaties of paris .

After the war : The Britain went to heavy debt . so they planned to tax the colonists. 
But colonist wanted to settled in the newly acquired lands . But british colonial governmnt didn't allowed them to settle there. Instead they taxed them heavily. 

Unpopular Acts :

 1) Suger Act 1764 : Suger should be exported only to england

 2) Quartering Act 1764 : Providing english soilders lodging if required and even pay them  
                                               if they ask.

 3) Stamp Act 1765 : All legal documents , newspapers etc needed to be stamped. It mainly  
                                   affected the lawyers , joournalists, educated the most.

Because of all these laws protes began, they raises the slogan " No taxation without representation"

Sons of Liberty : Formed by Samuel Adams in 1765 against all these laws. He advocated use of violence , bycott british goods and trade with Britain should be stopped.

In response to the various protests, British colonial governmetn passes 

Declaratory Act 1766
                                     Stamp Act was repealed , but made a  statement that " The King and
                                       British parliament have all the powers to make laws and tax the                                               colonists in future"

Townshend Act 1767 : The Act taxed essential goods like tea, paper, glass ,paint and all                                              ingredients to build a house 
                                    It given power to British Authority to search any building .

Boston Masscre 1770 : 5 protestors were killed by British soilders. This was heavily                                                    publicised and turned public opinion against the colonial rule.

Tea Act 1773 : Under the act all taxes removed from essential goods except tea. protestors                              refused to let ships into the harbour to unload the tea.
                          But  governers of Massachusetts and Hutchinson declared he will have ship                            unload in Boston harbour.

Boston Tea Party 1773 :It was protest by the sons of liberty against the import of tea from                                            East India Company at a harbour. 10000 pounds worth tea was                                                dumped into Boston harbour. 

                                        Because of this  the colonial governmetn passes Intolerable Act 1774 ;  Under this act public meetins were banned, Boston port was closed , Compensation demanded from colonists.

1st Continenal Congress 1774 : Meeting of representation of all 13 colonies. They wanted to stop trade with Britain. Decided to bycott British goods and increase use of domestically produced  goods.

Book by Thomas pain wrote Common Sense which advocated for Independence inspired every colonist.

Early 1776 the declared that they were states now not colonies. All 13 colonies had elected legislatures .

2nd Continental Congress  : on 4th july 1776 Thomas Jefferson declared Independence. 

Treaty of Paris 1783 : War was ended officially with signing of this treaty . Independence is recognised officially by Britain.

The American Constitution : American constitution is the first written constitution (1789) ,
                                              was mainly based on the doctrine of the seperation of powers ,                                          supreme court was given power to interpret the constitution,system                                         system of checks and balances.

The main achievement of American Revolution was the establishment of a republic ( head of the state is elected ). The right to vote is limited. The American revolution inspired many revolutions in europe .